Our blog and event gallery on International affairs: news staff and student activities and events.

Mongolian University of Life Sciences Delegation Visits
Office of International Affairs were honored to welcome Dr. Sukhtulga Tserennadmid, Chief of the Division of International Relations and Partnership at Mongolian University of Life Sciences, to KMITL. Dr. Tserennadmid engaged in a productive dialogue with Asst. Prof....
Certificate conferring: Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
Certificate conferring:Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan Prof. Dr. Suchatvee Suwansawat, acting KMITL President, along with Asst. Prof. Dr. Chaiyan Jettanasen, Acting Vice President for...
Guest Visiting: Delegation from University of Kyoto, Japan
Prof. Keiichi N. ISHIHARA, Vice-Dean and Professor, Energy Science, and Dr. Taro Sonobe, URA for International Affairs from Kyoto University, Japan, visited KMITL’s Acting President, Prof. Dr....
Certificate conferring: Tokai University/ Kushiro College, NIT, Japan
Asst. Prof. Dr. Chaiyan Jettanasen, KMITL’s Acting Vice President for International Affairs, chaired the graduation ceremony for students from Tokai University and Kushiro College (NIT) at Room 703,...
Guest Visiting: Delegation from Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan
Asst. Prof. Dr. Chaiyan Jettanasen, KMITL’s Acting Vice President for International Affairs, accompanied by Asst. Prof. Dr. Don Isarakorn, Acting Vice President for Innovations, Asst. Prof. Dr....
Guest Visiting: Delegation from Yangon Technological University / Mandaly Technological University, Myanmar
Asst. Prof. Dr. Supan Tungjitkusolmun, Acting Senior Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (Provost), along with Asst. Prof. Dr. Pachernchaiphat Chaiyasith, Acting Senior Executive Vice...
Certificate Conferring: University of Electronic Science and Technology, China
Asst. Prof. Dr. Chaiyan Jettanasen, KMITL’s Acting Vice President for International Affairs, chaired the graduation ceremony and presented diploma certificates to exchange students from the...
Guest Visiting: Delegation from Binghamtion University State University of New York
Guest Visiting:Delegation from Binghamtion University State University of New York August 28, 2015: Asst. Prof. Dr. Chaiyan Jettanasen, KMITL’s Acting Vice President for International Affairs, along...
Certificate Conferring: Tokai University Asia Office at KMITL (TAOK)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Chaiyan Jettanasen, KMITL’s Acting Vice President for International Affairs, presided over the graduation ceremony of the Japanese course for continuing education in Japan, Tokai...
Scholarship: Newton Fund
1000 Hours: Asst. Prof. Dr. Chaiyan Jettanasen, KMITL’s Acting Vice President for International Affairs, chaired the Newton Fund scholarship lecture, along with other scholarships, organized and...
การบรรยายทุนโครงการ Newton Fund
ด้วยสถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าคุณทหารลาดกระบัง เรียนเชิญวิทยากรจากสถานทูตสหราชอาณาจักร์ และบริติชเคานซิล มาบรรยายพิเศษเรื่องทุนสนับสนุนด้านการวิจัยและนวัตกรรมตามโครงการ Newton Fund ให้แก่คณาจารย์...
Scholarship: บรรยายทุน Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Chaiyan Jettanasen, Vice President for International Affairs, presided over the special lecture to introduce various types of fellowships given by top executives of the Japan Society...
Guest Visiting: Delegation from Toyama Prefecture
1000 Hours: Officials of Toyama Prefecture, Japan, met with KMITL executives to discuss scholarships for further studies in Toyama. The meeting was held at Reception Room 606, 6th Floor, HRH...